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  1. Sorian Ai Mod
  2. Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Download

As the title says, I suck at supreme commander. And I do mean suck.

I bought both the original and forged alliance but i still end up sucking either way(moreso with the original). On average, one mission will last me on average, one and half hours. Obviously this is not right at all considering the average mission usually last at most 30 minutes in any given game.

Sorian Ai Mod

Even against Normal AI in skirmish a game last me about 45 minutes. I do win the games, but in the most stupidest way possible that would have vets laugh at me derisively.So what I need are some tips, any tips really, general or advanced, to help me play this game better because as it stands, i'm just pure suckage. Lol.I defeat the AI's on the hardest cheating setting with ease.I now use custom AI's made by Sorian for my SP needs.Enough of that.Tip 1.Missions take over an hour to complete. Don't worry if your not completing them in under an hour. I don't complete them that quick either.Tip 2.SupCom forums at the gaspowered.com website, use them.

They'll give you all the information you need from what to build at the start to tactics and so on.Tip 3. Don't attack straight away. AI's are stupid, they won't build up if you do, so always build up overwhelming force and then crush them. Cause as soon as you do that, theres a new section of the map opening up and you'll need that army. Click to expand.That actually sounds similar to what I got, though I haven't played FA. In the original, though, there's really no problem that can't be solved by teching up and building a massive army to throw at the enemy.

The AI, as a rule, isn't very aggressive in the game. Once you get your economy going and are at the highest tech level the mission will allow you, you can just throw units at the enemy until you win.yeah, SupCom isn't very big on tactics. It's an economy management game. Once you get income tallying nicely with production, you drown the enemy in units. In my experience, that's all there is to it.

Supreme commander sorian ai mod

Commander forged alliance problem.forged alliance forever is extending forged alliance even more.sorian ai modfor supreme commander: forged.sorian ai mod for supreme commander: forged alliance current version:sorian ai modfor supreme commander: forged allianceversion.supreme commander: forged alliance takes. Hey Does anyone know how well Supreme Commander (Forged Alliance) will scale with up coming CPU generations equipped with 6,8,10,12 cores? It really annoys me how the 'simulation speed' of the game slows down when playing large maps with multiple hard AI's, unit cap at 1000, and literally 1000's of units in game.

Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Download

Everything in SupCom should be macromanaged. In Supreme Commander (skirmishes), first. Build up defenses. If you don't, well you could get clobbered. Two, this is done during one, GET TO T3 ASAP! IF you don't you could get nuked back to the Stone age as everyone would try to get to the mighty nuke. Three, also with one, get a good economy going, make sure you have some Mass and Hydrocarbon deposits around you, the Mass Extractors are cheap and they have low requirements compared to the Fabricators, which are horrendous at best.

Also, make sure you have a lot of storage buildings, you will need it.Four, do rushes, it makes your opponent guessing your next attack. If you have a lot of SACUs, well you can use them as walking nukes;7;7Five, well. Prepare for the endgame attack. Build some good old T4 stuff with a variety of T1-3 units, with the good old nukes prepped and ready to launch, you might need them. I'm also pretty bad at the game, but mostly because I get frustrated with the necessary amount of micro in a macro game.Namely, waypoints for ferrying troops.

That pisses me off to no end. Were the game smaller in scale, no big.Also, the game is too slow. I have to wait forever for anyone to get somewhere on foot - so you have to rely on ferrying, which as I already said, I hate.You can't even see the ferry symbol on a snow map. It's frakking stupid.This is why I just stick with Dawn of War or something like it; no damned ferrying. I'm also pretty bad at the game, but mostly because I get frustrated with the necessary amount of micro in a macro game.Namely, waypoints for ferrying troops. That pisses me off to no end.

Were the game smaller in scale, no big.Also, the game is too slow. I have to wait forever for anyone to get somewhere on foot - so you have to rely on ferrying, which as I already said, I hate.You can't even see the ferry symbol on a snow map. It's frakking stupid.This is why I just stick with Dawn of War or something like it; no damned ferrying.

I'm also pretty bad at the game, but mostly because I get frustrated with the necessary amount of micro in a macro game.Namely, waypoints for ferrying troops. That pisses me off to no end. Were the game smaller in scale, no big.Also, the game is too slow. I have to wait forever for anyone to get somewhere on foot - so you have to rely on ferrying, which as I already said, I hate.You can't even see the ferry symbol on a snow map. It's frakking stupid.This is why I just stick with Dawn of War or something like it; no damned ferrying.

Click to expand.More units doesn't mean much; you all just hop to Tier 3 anyway and skip most of yours.None of the units are superfluous in Sins if you know what you're doing. If you just mass cruisers, you won't be able to have that many ships, and an intelligent opponent will simply attack several of your worlds at once, leaving you unable to properly defend them all.Light Frigates are the backbone of the fleet, although you can usually go about 30/70 for most common unit with the flak frigate later on.Other ships have their place. Long-range frigates are good for destroying defenses on heavily defended bases; heavy cruisers take and deal good damage, siege ships smash planets, repair ships keep the fleet running, carriers provide extremely powerful support for a proper fleet, capital ships are your strategy centerpieces, and all varieties of ships come together as a comprehensive whole in the hands of an intelligent user.Much like saying chess isn't strategic because it only has six unit types, Sins is incredibly strategic despite having far less units than SupCom. All of them are vital, and all of them should be used if you want to succeed at the game.Sins also has especial strategic depth thanks to planetary research and facility construction; requiring you to plan out where you want everything to get the greatest return for your work. This isn't like building a new base on every planet; your entire empire is your base.Then there's the technological research tree, which matters far more than in SupCom, where you just rush to T3 and everything is available. You have to pick and choose research, prioritizing it and deciding whether or not you'd rather have a new kind of ship, better armor, more money - a lot of things.Sins is incredibly in depth and involved, dramatically far moreso than SupCom. No question in my mind.

Me, I always played Porc anyway.Seriously, the last few missions of the FA expansion I was building whole firebases of Experimental Artilliery, just defending my base (except where additional objectives forced me to roll forwards), putting radar in and shelling everything to rubble. It wasn't unusual for half of my units at the end of a mission to be builders and the other half to be buildings: Mostly defences, mass fabricators and powerplants, but with at least four and sometimes as many as twelve BIG HONKING ARTILLIERY GUNS. Plus additional heavy artilliery and light artilliery. Me, I always played Porc anyway.Seriously, the last few missions of the FA expansion I was building whole firebases of Experimental Artilliery, just defending my base (except where additional objectives forced me to roll forwards), putting radar in and shelling everything to rubble.

It wasn't unusual for half of my units at the end of a mission to be builders and the other half to be buildings: Mostly defences, mass fabricators and powerplants, but with at least four and sometimes as many as twelve BIG HONKING ARTILLIERY GUNS. Plus additional heavy artilliery and light artilliery. Click to expand.That's one of my main complaints with SupCom, actually. A good deal of strategy is about working with limited resources.

Resources are not limited in this game. You get your infinite stream of income and build, and build, and build. That's it.A major problem I had is that you rarely if ever actually look at your troops while they fight. You don't have to, since micromanagement is unimportant, but what it meant is that for me, it felt less like playing a strategy game and more like playing a city-building game with all the personality stripped out.I have to echo cypress about Dawn of War. Much more fun. I enjoyed StarCraft, but mainly on smaller maps, where managing individual soldiers was more important than the economic side of things. If I want to play economics, I'll play a city-building game.

The Caesar games were pretty fun in this light. But in an RTS, I want to destroy things, not build bases. That's one of my main complaints with SupCom, actually.

A good deal of strategy is about working with limited resources. Resources are not limited in this game.

You get your infinite stream of income and build, and build, and build. That's it.A major problem I had is that you rarely if ever actually look at your troops while they fight. You don't have to, since micromanagement is unimportant, but what it meant is that for me, it felt less like playing a strategy game and more like playing a city-building game with all the personality stripped out.I have to echo cypress about Dawn of War. Much more fun. I enjoyed StarCraft, but mainly on smaller maps, where managing individual soldiers was more important than the economic side of things. If I want to play economics, I'll play a city-building game. The Caesar games were pretty fun in this light.

But in an RTS, I want to destroy things, not build bases. Click to expand.The main problem for me with Dawn of War was that it was totally unchallenging. It took little time for me to get to the point where I could utterly curbstomp the AI on any difficulty, even using player made harder AI's.I don't really like playing against random strangers online, so I don't really get the challenge of that (online my team mates always seem to be idiots that let me down and get themselves killed, so that I'm swarmed by four enemy players at once - and not even I can defeat four human players at the same time).I like to know who I'm fighting online. I like my teammates to be friends; people that I know and can talk to - people that I can help to improve their game or can help me with mine.

People I can depend on, or blame when they drop from a game or run around like an idiot.Anyway, you'll find few better guard players than me, outside the pro community. It's been about a year or so since I last played, but if I decide to reinstall and a few people on SB want a game (no soulstorm) I'd probably take you up on it.