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In Rome: Total War the Amazons exist as a rebel sub-faction in a remote region on the north side of the campaign map. The capital of this region is Thermiskyra. Military units. Grigory Potemkin, a Russian military leader, statesman, nobleman and favourite of Catherine the Great created an Amazons Company in 1787.

I had a couple upstart towns that bitched. Even at low tax.

Finally I got sick of them and jacked up the rent. They rebelled and I executed half the populace when I took the city back.

M'dasha refuses to give up on his dream of havinga family of his own.Vistha-KaiRace: Argonian ChildLocation: Windhelm DocksWhen Vistha-Kai and his father arrived in Windhelm,they were told they must go live and work at the docksoutside of town. Skyrim wood elf vampire.

After murdering two communities, I noticed a boost of 50,000gp. WOW!Where's the justification for this?

Am I taking these guys' life savings after killing them? I guess they won't be needing it. Anyone think this would be a decent overall strat? Let squalor kinda build and then kill them all for big bucks later on.

Themiskyra rome total war full

Any downsides? Repair and retrain seems pretty inexpensive.

I put annoying cities to the sword regularly. I'm so sick of the endless whining. Well, you just reduced the city's population significantly, slowing future growth.Anyway, now that we have a R:TW thread, how the fuck can I deal with elephants?Fire arrows? No, doesn't work.Cavalry charge? Nah, whole lot of dead horses.Flaming pigs? Don't get those very often.Fire onagers?

Nope, only good for tight-formation troops and cities.Mounted units in Cantabrian circle? Nosirree.Can't put my troops in loose formation and sit there, crossing my fingers. Too many get trampled anyway. Nothing works. Quote:I put annoying cities to the sword regularly. I'm so sick of the endless whining. Well, you just reduced the city's population significantly, slowing future growth.Yeah, I noticed it's a big reduction.

Would have been nice if they asked me how much I wanted to kill. I would lower it to pre-squalor conditions while maintaining efficiency.Isn't overpopulation the player's fault though? As in we should have upgraded the city sooner. Of course, a maxed out bitching city is simply asking for it.quote:Anyway, now that we have a R:TW thread, how the fuck can I deal with elephants?Use two light infantry units set on loose formation, then surround them back and front.

The front unit will get trampled on, but the elephants rout easily. If you can spare it, just have a bunch of skirmishers and infantry throw javelins at them while they're standing still. Otherwise use two spear units, one to stand the brunt with loose formation and get trampled, and a 2nd to come from behind and cause the rout. When they run, scatter as best you can and use calvary for the cleanup.The flaming pigs AFAIK are like wardogs. You need a flank unit to come in and do the real damage. My impression of the trade/sqalor thing was that trade didn't increase, but you DRASTICALLY cut waste by sqalor, so you get a very, VERY big increase in profit.Triple: Phalanxes.

Just waltz up to them in formation. Dead elephants. The Merc Phalanx will do.

Themiskyra Rome Total War

The fire arrows WILL work, but it's not a 'hit them and they die thing'. Really, you'd want 3 or 4 units of cretans firing at them, THEN hit them with another unit (phalanx preferred). The diplomacy route is really good for city management; wherein you remove all your troops to just outside the city, gift the city to your enemy, move everyone back in and EXTERMINATE! Easier and faster than waiting for a rebellion.I forget who here first suggested that, but it's made things much less frustrating for me.I think the main reason profits appear to increase when you do that is that army support is apportioned by population; a city with good trade upgrades and half the people will suddenly be paying much less in upkeep fees.


Actually, there is. If your general constantly exterminates, he gains traits in being ruthless and gets the title of 'Julius the Ruthless' or something like that. THe same goes for keeping taxes on very high for a while as governor as you become 'Julius the Mean' or something similar.As for elephants, the most effective strategy that I have encountered is the use of war dogs. Since war dogs have literally no upkeep (60) and replenish after every battle (as long as you keep your trainers alive), you can afford to sacrifice your dogs. It helps to eliminate the charge of elephants if timing is good, and it acts as a barrier/meat shield for pila throwing. If you have enough dogs, you can simply send them to kill the elephants first hand and not worry about those damn elephants any more.

I micromanage too, julli and other factions with fertility boosting seem to complicate the problem. With my brutii campaign, I have been struggling to get the capital over 12k pop. (being as its one of your two starting cities, it was heavily drafted from in the beginning)Also to wit, its time consuming and micromanaging, but use peasants for pop control too, shuttle them to cities you want to build up. There cheap and have little upkeep and it largely doesnt matter since there disbanded within a few turns.

Quote:What is your strategy against spearmen, Germans?Phalanxes tend to fall quickly when you flank them. Use heavy legionnaires on guard mode if you don't have spears to take the brunt. Then attack from the side with whatever and they'll switch to swords for close combat. Sometimes if it's a cramped alley I'll just rush with calvary. The first cohort eats shit but the 2nd and 3rd will leap in and run them over.I don't really like phalanxes thus far. Their flanks are incredibly weak and aren't as versatile as spearmen.quote:As mentioned above, phalnxes and war dogs.

Elephants have a bonus versus cavalry so don't even try that shit. Elephants charging into a set phalanx is like Regular Cavalry, only much bigger. Half of them will die straight up. The rest will panic and run.

War dogs are good for a distraction, if you can build them, otherwise use some light infantry and javelin them.I noticed war dogs are good against calvary too. They don't seem to get run over easily and can tie them up until your horses come. I've had good success against the AI with phalanxes. All I really have to do is keep my heavy infantry in reserve to protect the flanks.Indeed, my usual setup is fairly simple. Skirmishers out front. Phalanxes and spearmen in the center, if any.

If not, light infantry. Archers and long-range weaponry behind this. Then heavier infantry on the wings to prevent disastrous enemy flanking manuevers.

Cavalry stacked on one side or the other, prepared for Mad Charges of Doom. General right in the center of the archer formation to maintain morale.In the beginning of the Julii campaign, I used something likeV VM H H H H HA A G A A C CC C(V=Velites, H=Hastati, A=Archers, G=General, C=Cavalry, M=Mercenaries). Note to all:The Patch has just gone to Activision for QA testing and should be out soon. Hopefully, this will fix the squalor problems a bit, so that huge populations don't need to be regularly culled.I've checked the traits triggers file and extermination triggers no feats!Enslaving people has a 4% chance of making your 'Aesthete' vices worse, but only if you already have aesthetic tendencies. I think you also get a chance of a slave trader appearing in your entourage.However, conquering any settlement (regardless of how you occupy it) give a high chance of improving your vanquisher feats (if you're Roman), which improve popularity with the people at the expense of senate popularity. If you aren't Roman, it increases your Victor traits, which give influence at the expense of personal security.So, overall massacring the population improves your popularity with the people!

Total War Rome 2 Wiki

(you too can play at Hitler.)BTW, Riso - Do you think your general could do with a few more traits?