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The latest offering in the Everyman series, Chess Developments, is Massachusetts IM David Vigorito’s massive (400 page) work on the Grunfeld. Despite its size, Chess Developments: The Grunfeld does not cover all lines of this opening which ranks among the most theoretical in modern chess.Following the Chess Developments credo to provide only state-of- the-art opening coverage, Vigorito has had to make some tough opening choices for this book which is written primarily from Black’s point of view.

That means only Nxd5 lines in the Fianchetto variation and not the duller (but more solid) c6-d5 setups. Likewise in the Russian variation (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3 dxc4 6.Qxc4 0-0 7.e4) he examines the currently popular 7Nc6 and 7a6 and not the old main lines 7Bg4 and 7Na6.The heart of Chess Developments: The Grunfeld is its coverage of the Exchange Variation, which occupies about half the book. Both the old main line with 7.Bc4/8.Ne2 and the more modern 7.Nf3 are examined at length.

This is arguably the most principled approach to meeting the Grunfeld but Vigorito shows Black has adequate resources. While Chess Developments: The Grunfeld is quite comprehensive it should not be confused with an opening repertoire book on this opening. Many of White’s sidelines are not to be found including the radical 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.h4!? Which is getting tested quite a bit by 2700+ elite players these days.Structuring this book around 51 model games makes it more readable but this is definitely a serious opening tome in which explanatory prose takes a back seat to concrete analysis and assessment of variations.

Understanding The Gruenfeld Pdf Free

Understanding the Grunfeld Jonathan Rowson on Amazon.com.FREE. shipping on qualifying offers. The Grunfeld Defense has always been a popular choice with players who aim to counterattack with the black pieces. World Champions Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov head a distinguished cast of grandmasters who swear by its solid yet dynamic nature.

Understanding The Grunfeld Pdf Bible

Accordingly this book is best utilized by players rated 2000 on up. Jonathan Rowson’s Understanding the Grunfeld is 15-years-old but still required reading for those who are taking up this dynamic counter-attacking defense for the first time.Recommended.

Most strong players agree that at least some control over the centre (in most cases they refer to the four squares in the middle) is a pre-requisite for controlling the course of the game. To my mind this is best understood through the realization that almost all the pieces tend to have more scope near the centre of the board. In general we could say that the closer a piece is to the centre, the more effective it is likely to be. Indeed, if your pawns occupy the centre, a principal benefit of this may be that it is difficult for your opponent to develop his pieces on central squares for fear of harassment by your fool soldiers.Furthermore, controlling the centre is likely to mean that your pieces are flexibly placed for action on either side of the board, whereas dominance on only one side may leave you weakened elsewhere.

Understanding The Gruenfeld Pdf

A particular advantage of having a strong pawn-centre is that it acts as a certain amount of 'cover' to prevent the opponent quickly infiltrating your position. This allows the side with the central pawn predominance to consider starting an attack against the king at any moment. However, I can assure you that such attacks only tend to succeed if the centre is secure. In most Griinfeld positions, if Black plays well, the centre will be an area of considerable tension, and under such conditions White's forces are likely to be fully occupied and will derive nothing but pain from excessive distraction on the flanks.Authors: Jonathan RowsonTitle: ' Understanding the Grunfeld'Released: 1998Format: rar/pdfQuality: goodNumber of pages: 123Size: 13 Mb.