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  1. When Does The American Civil War Start Kaiserreich

'Not long ago, the United States of America was a nation of vast opporunity and promise. As the world burned in the fires of the Weltkrieg, US citizens enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity beyond compare. Through subversion, stalling, and fillibustering, US intervention in the Great War was effectively paralyzed.

In my experience, at least with an earlier version of KR, I played through 1937, having elected Huey Long, choosing the most moderate options (I.e. No Coast to Coast reform, most moderate options on all economic reforms), thus causing the United States to never enter into it's second Civil War. I'm sure if you read into the event trees there are ways to do it with Reed (more likely than the liberals IMO; similar to Huey Long I would imagine, just choose moderate) and the Republocrats (less likely. I imagine very specific choices in crisis decisions).And yes, I don't doubt that electing Reed or Long as POTUS ruins the election chains. They're rabid supporters of undemocratic forms of government though, so it's not hard to see why.edit: Just checked. I'm still using V1.03, but as of that version, the only event chain that leads to no ACWII is a most moderate Long administration. You could phase Long out between elections through slider moves though and America could return to democracy and avoid ACWII though.

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Kaiserreich Usa Civil War

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When Does The American Civil War Start Kaiserreich

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