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I have been at this all day and i cannot figure out how to use any of these new HD coat horses! Is there anyone out there willing to help me figure. If you want to remove the HD coat from your game, you should delete your cache. A stupid question, but where exactly do I place the files in the Sims 3 folder? HD Horse Coats - White-Gray by LittleV - The Exchange - Community - The Sims 3. Ideas about Coats. Check out this item from The Sims 3 Exchange! Sims 3 equine database. Apr 17, 2017 - Ultimate HD Horse Mod. DOWNLOAD HERE. Created by Luke Teth. Related Posts: The 4k Eye Mod. HD Mod (Lite/Super-lite). Butter HD Mod. HD Horse Coats - Strawberry Roan by LittleV - The Exchange - Community - The Sims 3.


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