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For the past few years the gaming industry have been trying to make world war 2 games as authentic and thrilling as possible. A lot of World War 2 game fans have played Medal of Honor, Call of Duty and others likewise in First Person Shooter so you can experience the thrills and chills of the war, running and ducking for cover from MG42s, flanking German Tiger Tanks, suppressing fire on the enemy and best of all, fighting along side with comrades. However Company of Heros takes you out of First Person Shooter and takes you to an overview of your men, there you command them where to go and what to do. This is the next step in computer intelligence where your troops takes cover in the nearest ditch, debri and trench that comes available to them. When you are launching assaults against the enemy you can devise strategies to fight the enemy like how you have done in the FPS games. Company of Heros is a RTS game that will have a title in the history of the games industry as one of the most beautiful, cleverest and thrilling games of all times.


I love COH 2 grafics, i hope someday Europe theater will return with a COH 4. What i would really would love is Africa Campaign on the next COH series. If developers will make a game about the Vietnam War, it will be a new step. Europe at War is a historical mod for Company of Heroes that adds new battlefronts with new commander trees, abilities, units, vehicles and weapons for each, representing in the best way, as far as possible, historical accuracy, to immerse players in. Download free maps and mods for Company of Heroes! Company of Heroes is a 2006 real-time strategy video game developed by Relic Entertainment.

Had big, muddy, army issue boots to fill in 2013, and its Eastern Front campaign managed to be a worthy successor to Relic’s original World War 2 RTS. Since then, players have spent over 40 million hours fighting across Europe and Russia; that’s over 400 years.But with competition from competitive RTS games like StarCraft 2 and the neverending hordes of MOBAs, how does it stay healthy? Plenty of exercise and a good diet? I had a chat with executive producer Greg Wilson to find out what Relic’s been doing to keep people invested in the war. Since releasing Company of Heroes 2 in June, 2013, Relic’s been busy. The studio’s been tweaking the core game, fattening it up with new features, and last year released two chunky expandalones,. Player numbers are on the rise, and it’s the healthiest it’s been since July, 2013, just after the game launched.“I think a bunch of factors contribute to that,” Wilson tells me.

“We think we’ve delivered a really high quality product in Company of Heroes 2. And Company of Heroes, in terms of brand recognition, is one of the most popular and enduring franchises of all time for RTS, and CoH2 has proven to be a worthy sequel. It’s been well received by critics and fans alike, and for us, it’s just building on that, and offering a really diverse content offering that will appeal to a broad range of player types.”Wilson lists the “player types” and they’re a varied bunch. PvPers, people who just want to experience the campaign, casters, groups of co-op buddies. With a growing community with different tastes, Relic has attempted to cater to them all by putting out two broadly different expansions. There’s Ardennes Assault, a sandbox campaign spread out across a meta map, filled with dynamic missions; and there’s Western Front Armies, which was dedicated entirely to multiplayer.I wondered if the attention given to the multiplayer has encouraged more people to stick around, duking it out over once idyllic European villages and frozen Russian cities.“Our multiplayer audience is our most active and engaged audience when it comes to regular activity,” says Wilson. “People do come into the franchise from lots of different access points.

Company Of Heroes Europe At War Campaign 3

The campaign is one that’s generally a linear experience, so people will play it once or twice and then transition into multiplayer, co-op or competitive PvP.”But it’s not just about keeping co-op and PvP players happy; it’s about trying out new things.“Now, in Ardennes Assault, we introduced a new system, which I know you’re familiar with, and that was the meta map. And that allows not just winning or losing a battle to impact your decisions, but how you won or lost those battles, and that introduced another mechanic for us to introduce to our players and allow them to have more options to have for replaying campaign content.”I called Ardennes Assault the best Company of Heroes 2 has ever been when I it last year. Everything great about the series was there, but with another strategic layer, and for once, the possibility to lose battles but win the war. Both expansions are dramatically different from their forbearer, so much so that it seems like a shift in design philosophy, away from scripted campaigns, has occurred at Relic. But rather than a shift, Wilson says that the studio is just expanding its repertoire.“I don’t think it’s moving away from any one thing, but I absolutely think that we’re adding to our repertoire here. And I think that sort of dynamic, layered experience is something that’s been really well received by our fans, and that we’re going to continue looking to explore that in the future, and mix it in with some of those really well crafted and scripted moments that bring specific elements to light.”The Western Front is safer, too.

Company Of Heroes Europe At War

Company of Heroes 2’s campaign attempted to dramatise the harsh “reality” of the war on the Eastern Front, complete with Russian officers murdering their own troops. It was divisive, and, but it was an interesting change in tone from the traditional, heroic, good versus evil of the original Company of Heroes campaign. With the two expandalones, Relic went back west, though.“There’s a familiarity with the Western Front,” explains Wilson.