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  2. Star Wars Rebellion Rebel Strategy Free
  3. How To Win Star Wars Rebellion

Set shortly after the events of the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: Rebellion represents LucasArts' first attempt at a strategy game involving the popular space saga. As either the Rebellion or the Empire, it's up to you to command your side to victory against the computer or a friend via the Internet.In the course of your game, you might try to conquer as many as 200 planets in the Star Wars universe. In order to do so, you must effectively manage a variety of factors such as construction of new facilities, appropriate number of garrisoned soldiers, and use of task forces in certain situations.You'll also guide your side's 30 characters on different missions, deciding who might be best for each.

The Rebel strategy tends to be decided on the situation at the time but it should always revolve around achieving the objectives you have in hand. The best strategy I find is to be proactive rather than reactive. Star Wars: Rebellion; Rebel strategies.

For instance, the Rebellion might do well to assign Princess Leia on a diplomatic mission and Han Solo on one of espionage. Most of your favorite characters from the original trilogy of Star Wars films are present, with a few new ones as well as some who were introduced in books by the likes of Timothy Zahn and Kevin J. If you've ever wanted to take control of Garm Bel Iblis or General Daala, now's your chance!For battles, you have a variety of ships available for either side, including 15 capital ships and four starfighters for each side. As the Empire, proper positioning and usage of your Star Destroyers, TIE fighters, TIE bombers - even the Death Star - could be enough to crush the Rebellion's Mon Calamari cruisers, Corellian gunships, X-wings and B-wings.The battles of Rebellion occur in real time and offer you a choice as to their implementation. You have the option to either let the AI take over and hope that your predetermined strategy is enough to overtake the enemy, or you can take matters into your own hands by controlling the units manually as you assig targets to your task forces and fighter squadrons.In addition to the core action and strategy elements described above, LucasArts has also included some other 'nice touches.' For instance, be prepared to deal with traitors who might secretly sympathize with the enemy, or zip through space at double-speed when Han Solo and his Millennium Falcon are on a mission.

Luke Skywalker might even learn some unsettling news that will disable him for a while should he and Darth Vader ever meet one another.With all of these inclusions, it might be difficult to keep track of who is who and what is what. For this reason, a comprehensive encyclopedia is included within the game as well as a 176-page game manual and a quick-reference poster. (Who ever said taking over the galaxy would lack complication?)It had to happen eventually.

The only thing LucasArts loved more than pimping out its Star Wars franchise, was staying on the cutting edge of technology. So when galactic conquest simulations became the new buzzword, you could have bet dollars to doughnuts that you'd be seeing a galactic conquest simulation Star Wars game. This is that game.Actually, this is a better fit than most genres Star Wars has tried to squeeze into. These are the games like Masters of Orion and Space Empires - simulators requiring you to start small in funds and equipment, and best your opponent in securing both to seize control of the galaxy. In fact, many of the technologies or ships in these games borrow, often liberally, from the Star Wars films. So a game with the benefit of the license should do gangbusters, right?Well, in terms of content, the game offers pretty much everything you can expect and a few extra bonuses on the side.

  1. Star Wars™ Rebellion gives you a myraid of means to implement strategy and tactics on a grand scale and in a real-time environment. With control of the entire Star Wars galaxy as the prize, will the Force™ be with you? Discover for yourself.
  2. Star Wars Rebellion, strategy for the Rebels? (self.boardgames) submitted 2 years ago by TheWiggety. My wife and I finally got a chance to play SW Rebellion over the weekend. We played twice and the Empire won both times. That could be a great time to launch a surprise fleet attack to take out a star destroyer, say.

First, the expected: You can play as either the Empire or the Rebellion, in a galaxy you can define by size and AI difficulty (the largest galaxy is near 200 planets) Each planet you capture offers limited space for building mines and factories, which collect ore and convert it into points, which then go toward building structures or units. Distant, barren planets can be colonized by your forces. 'Core' systems with populated worlds have the additional factor of their inhabitants to consider. If they like your side, things will be naturally easier for you, and harder for your foe to subvert you. If they prefer the other team, you must garrison troops there to prevent uprisings, losses from piracy, and work stoppages at your mines and factories.

Planets that support the other side more fervently obviously require more troops to keep things operating and 'civil.' Next, the unexpected: There aren't as many differences between the two sides as you would think, but those that exist are certainly true to the films. Each side has a number (decided by the size of your universe) of recruitable heroes that are vastly better at varying skills than regular 'buildable' units.

The Rebellion generally has better diplomats and espionage agents, while the Empire has better military commanders. The primary purpose of these heroes are to either include in land or space garrisons, thereby boosting their defense and effectiveness, or to send on a number of missions that include Recon, Assassination, Kidnapping, and Diplomacy.

Recon for both sides is the primary source of information about enemy activities and their strength on specific planets. A recon mission on a planet you own will uncover enemy agents operating there, or incoming enemy fleets, with the amount of information retrieved dictated by the percentage success of the mission.

Diplomacy is the only way to change the minds of a planet's population toward your side. It's cheaper for you in the long run, since repeated diplomacy missions can raise support so high that you don't even need garrisons anymore. However, they take up an officer's valuable time, and like real diplomacy, do run the risk of getting mired and having no effect.The rest of the missions are pretty self-explanatory, and often one operation feeds into another.

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While some characters are just good soldiers, others are crucial to the success of either army. New ships and war technology, for example, can only be researched by specific characters. If they're out of the picture, their benfactors are in trouble. It's quite a rush to have one of your probes suddenly find Lando Calrissian doing ship research on one planet, send out a perfect mission to bag him, and drag his sorry ass back to a planet you've set up as a jail - knowing you've dealt a measurable blow to the enemy.There's a lot to enjoy about Rebellion, which is why its so frustrating when we get to the disappointing. First, the AI is pitiful, even on the hardest setting. I played as the Empire against the Rebellion; who benefit from a mobile headquarters. By the end of the game (some thousands of game days later), the Rebel HQ was right where it was at the beginning of the game.

The AI enjoys pumping out miserable and cheap ships that form into sequentially-numbered fleets (giving you an idea of how many ships are out there), who then fly into orbit where they encounter a single medium-sized enemy ship, turn ass, and flee. Your own AI can be set to manage your garrisons or productions, and is barely capable of either. Expensive, overpowered troops get built and assigned to routine garrisons, and any available space is assigned to new mines or factories - regardless of if you need them or not, regardless of if you need the space for other production facilities.So, let's assume that you actually manage to hustle a pal to play against you in multiplayer, fixing the problem of dummy AI. You still have some incredibly poor design decisions to overcome. The most obvious is the decision to have the game take place in a 'sort of real-time' system instead of pure turn-based. Running a galaxy is not an easy task in any way, and you're required to take care of a lot of micromanagement without much of a break to help. Worse yet is the inexcusable possibility that you may need to walk away from the game for more than a day.

Upon your return, you'll be damn lucky to remember everything that needs to be done on each specific planet. I had some scribbled notes after one session like 'Bolster defense at Coruscant' and the cryptic '2 officers to Mon Cal' but they made very little sense by the time I had returned. There was simply too much to keep track of.To attempt to offset this, your galactic map (which you will play mostly the entire game from) has many options to highlight planets that meet specific factors - like a toggle for planets with shipyards, or a toggle for planets with idle production facilities. They're moderately helpful, but only one filter can be active at a time, and they don't cover all the possibilities you would need (like a planet with weak defenses). But the major problem is that the real-time system means you can't pause the game to toggle through your deficiencies and correct them accordingly before moving on - pausing throws up a big 'Game Paused' screen over your view and stops all input of commands.Another painful design element is the interface itself. Your standard screen is the entire galaxy, color-coded by faction ownership, with C-3PO or his evil double as your 'assistants.'

They, and your planets, harass you through an in-game email system, which alerts you of everything from an enemy fleet attacking somewhere, to one of your regional governors taking a dump. The messages are categorized among production, diplomacy, etc, but the more planets you get, the more messages you'll be bombarded with throughout the game's days. Again, you can't pause game time to sort through them.The main galaxy screen is divided into multiple sectors with ten to twelve planets each, and selecting a sector opens a slightly more detailed window of these planets. Selecting a planet opens up another window detailing what's on or orbiting the planet. From there you get separate windows for fleets, garrisons, etc. Here's the kicker - only two windows can be open at a time (to facilitate 'trading' between the two).

Clicking a new window replaces or removes the original. It's literally like a DOS shell version of Windows, with extremely limited functionality. You can fold windows down to a taskbar on the right, allowing you quick access to them, but the two active window limit still applies. If you're imagining moving windows around your galactic desktop and cascading them in order - forget it.

Star Wars Rebellion Wiki


Still, even if you could do this, it doesn't change the fact that the entire game is played through static windows and popups. If you're ready to let out a whoop and a cheer because a window has appeared telling you you've captured Darth Vader, you might like the game. If you require something a little more 'immersive,' well, no.Ground battles are simple affairs of random chance, unless you stack the deck ridiculously in your favor. You can even the odds with pre-assault orbital bombings (usually at the cost of popular support), but it ultimately comes down to who has the greater number of stronger units, who will still take unexplained casualties from one 'dug-in' squad. Once you think you've amassed a force worthy of the planet's defenders, you simply click a 'ground assault' selection and instantly receive the results of your attempt.Space combat has the option of following a similar approach, or you can choose to take control of these battles as the commander.

You will then be taken to a 3-D representation of space with some awfully poor models for the ships of both sides. Even here, your options are rudimentary, and basically consist of ordering the fighters to attack fighters, and the capital ships to attack other capital ships. There are a couple of maneuvers and battle plans that don't mean a damn thing, and the only real advantage of this mode is the ability to tell your ships to concentrate their fire on one larger ship - which the AI would not even consider if you chose the quick resolution option.There are a couple of other little niggles as well that either make the game sound that much cooler or that much more of a headache, depending on what kind of player you are. First are the absolutely KILLER travel times. Sure, the ships have light speed, but that doesn't change the fact that you're looking at forty to seventy days of travel before your ships reach their destinations. From one system to another across the galaxy - around 150. It offers some strategic thinking, and pretty much nullifies the ability to play a reactionary game, but it's still a hefty punch in the nose.

You can increase the speed of the game to 2x normal, but at the result of getting hammered with messages and likely losing track of the rest of your universe. So any long trips pretty much mean sending your fleet out with a 'Godspeed' and forgetting about them until a message announces their arrival. Also, the game requires you to capture two leading heroes from the opposite side and hold them to win the game. This almost certainly ensures that you will have to capture the ENTIRE GALAXY to win. Otherwise, they'll always have new places to hide, and it doesn't do any damn good to get a message from your probe that someone important was spotted on Planet X when it will then take 59 days for your strike team to get there. Have fun.Rebellion has some fantastic ideas, and one benefit of the Star Wars license is that it makes for a shorter learning curve than most similar games, if you've seen the movies.

Star Wars Rebellion Rebel Strategy Free

You'll be more familiar with the tech and the terms. And, through time and persistence, you can build the Death Star and start blowing up every planet in your way.

Hello AotR fans! Welcome to the end of year update. This year our team has accomplished so much and there’s a bunch of amazing news to discuss.

Top 100 Mod of the YearBefore I get to the main news, I want to do a quick announcement about Mod of the Year. We are once again in the top 100 mods list 3 years in a row! If you appreciate the content we are putting out this year, please be sure to vote for our mod to get us to #1! Your support means the world to us! AotR 2.7.1 Update Released!Check out this awesome release trailer!Subscribe to our mod and download the update now exclusively at steam workshop:First and foremost, I want to thank the team and community who have done an amazing job this year in making 2.7.1 possible.

This update is yet another massive update on the road towards a complete AotR 2.7 version.Here's a high level list of what has changed since 2.7:Intervention Mission System has a new Support system that is decided by mission successes and failures. This value will make subsequent missions appear quicker and give you better rewards when the value is higher. The missions themselves have been optimized to give you access to a much larger pool of rewards to receive. Each mission also has an expiration date for when you must complete the mission by before it is failed and another one is generated. Also included are lots of optimizations to the system to make it more stable and performant. The Hero Rescue system has been given a large overhaul (again) and now should track each hero death much more accurately.

The rescue mission also has a wait after you lose the hero before the mission is given to you. Losing your main faction hero will also disable the intervention missions until they are rescued.Galactic AI has been updated as well. Attacks are more brutal and efficient. AI building and infrastructure planning has also been optimized.

How To Win Star Wars Rebellion

We also have made balance adjustments to make sure the main fight focuses on the Rebellion versus the Empire, with the Black Sun being somewhere between the power of a major faction and minor faction. We have also cleared out a majority of the lag present in both space and galactic, so hopefully your player experience is much more smooth.A massive overhaul has been done to the space tactical AI. We have more or less rewritten the entire system in order to make the AI much more competent in space combat. The AI overall has a general sense of what priority target to hit, along with being able to perform a limited amount of side efforts.

Space combat is much harder now, and as such you will need to bring your inner tactician out in order to combat the enemy.Space combat has also been totally overhauled. A major change has been made to the damage and armor models of each ship and weapon.

Along with that, all space weapons were standardized and named appropriate to their roles. We now have a regular, long range, and heavy variant of each type of weapon along with dual variants of each. Each space unit has also received a major description overhaul to explain the unit much better to you. Graphs such as Armor, Shields, and Speed have been added to help you better understand the role of the unit in combat.

All special abilities, both active and passive, are also now listed on the unit along with any galactic conquest restrictions.Finally, as always, there's a bunch of new units for you to play with along with many overhauled units. Along with that most of the space and ground effects have been visually reworked and the game is looking the best it has ever looked!For a full list of all the changes, check out the ReleaseNotes.txt that comes with the mod installation. You can also check out the Credits.txt for all the wonderful people outside the mod team that have contributed to the mod. Here are just some of the wonderful people that have helped contribute to make this update possible: AotR 2.7 Mod Team:ThatOneBullet - Project LeadSteiner0815 - Original Creator and Lead 2D, 3D ArtistWolf v2 - 3D ArtistSly442 - 2d, 3D ArtistMaxim - Lead Programmer-ICO- Mr. President - Lead Audio Engineer AotR 2.7 Mod Contractors:Leyamasa - Documentation and DesignOctravon - 3D ArtistSkyline5gtr - 3D Artist for optimizationsCoryak - Programmer and DesignNkorn - 3D ArtistGowronGaming (Maxloef) - 3D Artist AotR 2.7 Testers:40fixxer, ACE, Araulius, Captain Shack, Corey, eckhartsladder, Legion217, CoolMoon, Coryak, desertkilla123, DirgeofCerberus,Fenris Russ, Fregge, JanN7is, Kemasuk, Markus1987, Penguin Lord, Rookisa46, SeriousGranade, Than’s Vans, TheFlumpySquid,UnseenOni, and AdmiralThrawnBar who memed his way in forever it be known. Special Shoutouts:PetroBHayes - PetroglyphCorey, Pox - Thrawns RevengeBurntstrobe, Kad Venku - YvaWJeroen, Megabalta - EaW Remakeevilbobthebob - Pheonix RisingAnakin Sklavenwalker - Republic at WarMiniGui98 - UGC. Highest Rated (8 agree)This mod creates a deeper game play based more on the old game Star Wars Rebellion.

It brings many strengths, making it a FAR richer experience than before. I LOVE this mod. However due to the game engine, or rather the systemic issues WITH the engine, this mod sees horrible lagging. If this could be fixed, this would be a game I would pay again for.

Well done and I hope to see a new Lucas Arts production with a better engine based on your game.Dec 23 2011 by AssassinsBlade.